There’s a secret travel tip for free travel for solo travelers, digital normads, and group travelers that a lot of people don’t discuss. However it is possible to travel for 2021 for free with a travel tip and trick.

A lot of websites have travel contests or travel competitions for free travel trips, free hotel stays, free flights if you sign up. When you sign up, you can be entered into a free travel competition to a specific country.

For example, Colombia has “Wake Up In Columbia” travel contest a trip $1419 that is free if you enter a competition here .
I’ll share another travel contest for family travelers at the end of this post.
Travel Planner- Digital & Book (plan future travels)
You must read the guidelines to win free travel trips as a solo traveler/group traveler, age requirements, and accepting countries allowed to apply.
Some of these travel contest or travel competitions require answer to some questions so really put some thought into your answers.

Before, I give my last tip to snag luxury free travel accommodations of trips, Sri Lanka in India is giving away a free family trip for 10 day for two adults and two children with flights and hotels paid. For more details, click here

If you have family or friends and want them to travel with you then have them apply for the free travel competitions as well. The more people that apply, the better. Good Luck, Everyone!