Iceland solo travel as a female in 2020 why did I do it? Is Iceland safe to travel alone? What are the best places to travel alone in Iceland? Is Iceland safe for solo female travelers? How much money for a trip to Iceland? Iceland travel guide for safe travels? Is the Blue Lagoon worth it? Which Airlines fly to Iceland? How is Dating in Iceland? I have you covered with all of this information and more in this post.

First, I traveled solo as a female in Iceland because of Adventure and the thrill of the unknown in a beautiful winter wonderland. I crave the road less taken, partaking in unfamiliar excursions, dating people of new cultures, and looking fashionable while simultaneously. I plan on sharing my outfits, tours, cost, dating, food and more importantly my opinion of the land of Fire and Ice….Iceland.

I took a direct flight from Nyc to Iceland using IcelandAir. The flight left at night and arrived in the morning at 6:00am. Please dress warm if arriving in the winter. I had my sister create a Custom Oversized Safari Hooded Coat made for the Iceland solo trip . Yo can find it HERE It kept me warm on my flight and during the windy weather I experienced some days in Iceland. Please dress warm everyone and wear insulated clothing. I include an Iceland Travel Guide Ebook further below in this post. Now on to the Blue Lagoon in Iceland.

I went to the Blue Lagoon as soon as I arrived in Iceland. I waited until 730am and a shuttle picked me up at Iceland’s Keflavík Airport which was included in the cost of my blue lagoon package. It is recommended to head to the blue lagoon from the airport because it is close in proximity. All Icelandic tours in Iceland pick you up from your hotel if it is on a list or a central area. When you arrive at the blue lagoon it is mandatory that you take a shower before getting into the water. Icelandic culture is very strict on good hygiene before entering the pools.

You can purchase different package found at . Each package includes at least 1 free face mask and 1 drink (alcoholic or non-alcoholic). There are bridges, two entrances to the blue lagoon, a blue lagoon shop, and a restaurant. I arrive at 830am and didn’t leave until 415pm. I truly had an amazing time there.
I love to stay in a nice hotel with great amenities, and I won’t lie, I love canopies beds, so I searched until I found a hotel where I felt safe welcomed and inclusive. I chose the Eyja Guldsmeden Hotel which was eco friendly from the furniture down to the toiletries. Breakfast is offered at a fee daily, but hot tea, coffee, and flavored water is offered daily for free as well as free wifi. The staff was ammmazzzzzing! They made me feel welcomed every moment of my stay and were always hospitable. If ever in Iceland again, i will stay there. I was only a 5 minute walk from food and I was in the downtown Reykjavík area. As a solo female, it was very safe to walk around the area during the day or night.
Before, I continue with the tours followed by clothing and dating, I have created a 9 page FREE ICELAND TRAVEL ITINERARY EBOOK titled “ICELAND GUIDE REVEALED” with costs of every excursion I did in Iceland. Included are links to every outfit I wore for fashion and for warmth simultaneously. I spilled the tea on dating apps utilized for this solo travel. I also gave extensive information how I take pictures of myself while solo traveling in Iceland. Lastly, I mentioned the sites for hotel and flight deals, click the photo titled ” ICELAND GUIDE REVEALED” below and then come back to finish the rest of this blog. ↓

Tour Packages are in abundance and you can do Iceland Trip on a budget or make it as luxurious as you choose. I made sure that I could see everything on my list while solo traveling in Iceland. I walked on Icelandic Glaciers, not once, but two times was never something I thought I’d ever do in Iceland. I went “Into The Glacier” tour which was snowmobiling on a Glacier. The Golden Circle (Iceland Ring Road), Geyser, Downtown Reykjavik, and so much more I saw in Iceland was a dream come truly. Did I mention the Iceland Northern Lights that was a dream made reality once I got to see it in Iceland for the first time in my liife.. It truly was a trip of firsts for me….First time I I saw a Reynisfjara, Iceland’s Black sand beach, walked inside of a temperate Ice Cave, toured a Lava Cave, saw majestic waterfalls, a rainbow road, walked inside Hallgrímskirkja church tower, swam in a Iceland Secret Lagoon, and so much more.
I booked my tours with various companies (basically whichever has the cheapest prices). I used Extreme Iceland, Arctic Adventures, Grayline Tours, Bus Travel Iceland (all links are in my ebook). Attached is a link to my youtube video so you can see my entire visit in Iceland. Then I’ll discuss my Vikings!
Now, let’s talk about Icelandic men in just one minute for anyone wanting to know if I fell in love with a Viking. Icelandic men are tall!!!!!! The average height for an Icelandic man is 5’11. I went out with a guy in Iceland that was 6’7. Yes, he was a tall tree of fine male handsomeness (is that even a word, lol). Icelandic men are also brutally honest. You will know their whole life story on the first date. I won’t lie, sometimes I wish they refrained from telling me everything on the first date although I love honesty. No one wants to hear that your ex girlfriend stabbed you and went to jail for you having a collapsed lung. I went out with a rapper, philanthropist, chief marketing executive, and a teacher. I had 1 man impress me on the date. I do like chivalry and every woman is different. I did not go out with several men because their idea of a date was driving around in a car and I won’t do that with a stranger. Many men in Iceland have 1-2 children by mid twenties. Icelandic culture is big on family and many couples do not get married. I also had one guy expect me to pay on the 2nd date. I was told that Icelandic women prefer to pay for themselves. Iceland is an egalitarian society.There are zero degrees of separation in Iceland. I had 2 individual dates where 1 woman on each day, came into the establishment and said hello to my date (they were friends/acquaintances). Icelandic men also let you know their intentions early on when dating because I had 3 of the 4 men I went out with want to date me exclusively and I just met them. It was a world wind but I enjoyed the experiences.

Unfortunately, I was tired most nights after tours and did not get to see the nightlife. I really wanted to go to the Prikid which plays hip hop. I did enjoy mexican/thai/asian fusion almost nightly for dinner, which are my preference. More about Icelandic food is above in my free ebook. However, a little preview is that Icelandic food eaten often are soups, fish, and even horse meat.

All the outfits that I wore above links are on the free ebook titled ” ICELAND GUIDE REVEALED”. Fun fact: Iceland never gets colder than 32 degrees farenheit which is 0 degrees celsius. However, the wind on average could be 10-25 mph (miles per hour) and on a snowstorm 25-40mph. Please wear thermal clothing under your main clothes. I wore thermals under my fleece lined spandex. I wore thermal jumpsuits, thermal socks, fleece lined hooded safari parka, 3-in-1 windproof/waterproof coats and windproof ski pants. I had on moon boots, insulated waterproof snow boots, and even insulated high heeled booties. I was fashionable but warm. Feel free to send me a note if you need assistance. The last thing I want to say is that I truly loved my Icelandic trip and every Icelandic person I met was truly approachable and kind. I want to visit Iceland in the summer because I know it’s beauty will bloom even more when the sun is out longer. I truly would do this trip all over again. It has been voted the safest place in the world and I truly felt 100% safe my entire trip.