Places Travelers Can Stay For Free, does it exist? It does it various ways. You can get free hotel stays from points from credit cards or hotel rewards points to list a few ways. However, I want to share how you can stay somewhere for 30 days without paying.
Stay In Greece For Free
Yes, you read that correctly. One of the places travelers can stay for free is Greece. If you are into volunteering, you can stay in Greece for free for 30 days. It will include both accommodations and meals in exchange for daily work at the hostel.
Booking.comHow Do You Volunteer In Greece?

You wil be staying at Sunrock Backpackers Hostel and Corfu. The program is called “pay your way” volunteer program. Your duties will include greeting people that arrive to Sunrock Backpackers Hostel and Corfu. You’ll have to do housekeeping work such as cleaning rooms, washing dishes. You’ll have to prepare food, wash laundry, work in the bar, and other tasks pertaining to work around the Sunrock Backpackers Hostel

You can apply by contacting them HERE (scroll down to see their email address and send them an email) and feel free to ask them more details about the program.